Keep Your Power [Medical Edition]
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

Keep Your Power [Medical Edition]

There are countless people whose lives have been saved by medical practitioners who have dedicated their lives to selflessly saving others. There are so many people this system has worked miracles for.

However, for those who have fallen through the cracks, there is one common thread, a dark side to a system that is ruthlessly cold and devoid of compassion. And it is FAR to easy to hand over all your power to it, until it’s too late to turn back.

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All You Have To Change Is Everything
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

All You Have To Change Is Everything

It’s simple. Accept it. Roll with the punches. Water off a ducks back. Suck it up. Change your perspective. Be thankful for what you have. Think positive. Shrug it off. It’s not that bad.

Except life isn’t a positivity quote and resilience isn’t superficial.

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3 Life-Altering Mindset Shifts
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

3 Life-Altering Mindset Shifts

There are three habits you can use to take your power back as you navigate this hectic world.

These habit and mindset shifts take courage, honesty, and raw open examination of how you live your life. But if you keep them in your practice, they will change everything for you.

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Paying Emotional Debt
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

Paying Emotional Debt

Challenging yourself throughout life is inevitable. Often, that challenge hurts.

I took a quantum leap a few months ago, craving change and expansion, and learned to fly helicopters. It was the most epic experience of my life.

Here’s the caveat… it didn’t go as planned. Not even close.

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Driving Yourself To Do Hard Things
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

Driving Yourself To Do Hard Things

It’s the hard thing that gets procrastinated on, day after day.

The heavy feeling that pushes you further into the couch.

The doubt in your mind that makes you not want to leave bed in the morning.

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Loss & Grief
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

Loss & Grief

Among the most excruciating feelings to sit with is the gutting loss of someone you love most. Death takes all of us. Inevitably, life and love cost us something… the obligation of saying goodbye.

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Resilience Through Discipline
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

Resilience Through Discipline

In order to learn how to weather what’s difficult, resilience can be practiced through discipline. This becomes a skill, which becomes habit and eventually grows into an inseparable part of who you are. You build yourself every day, choosing who you get to become through your relationship with discipline.

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One Habit for A Wildly Fulfilling Life
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

One Habit for A Wildly Fulfilling Life

We are built as creative beings.

It’s in our blood and our purpose.

Creative power is great in the name of progress; without this drive and process we wouldn’t have the world we live in. Look at what humanity has built.

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Handling Disappointment
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

Handling Disappointment

If we always received what we expected, it would defeat the purpose of being human. We are designed to ride the waves of success and defeat with equal grace. To desire something and reach for it is to fully express ourselves, regardless of the outcome. This is the proverbial journey.

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Embracing Yourself
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

Embracing Yourself

Extending compassion to others while putting yourself last might come just as naturally to you as telling yourself you aren’t good enough or worth the love. If you’re among the givers of this world, you’re awesome and we need you. But we also need you to realize how powerful and worthy you are.

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On Authority
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

On Authority

Authority is something you naturally have over your life. You are built for self-governance, although the world will go to great lengths to convince you otherwise. You’re made of love and it runs on fear. Learn to fear less and love more and you step into your own sovereignty.

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Memento Mori
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

Memento Mori

Remember that you have to die, so live a beautiful life.

Create a beautiful life, in both the easiest moments and the hardest. Be here, with all of it, mentally and emotionally. Beauty lies in between the moments you think you can’t endure and the facts you believe you can’t accept.

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[ Coming Soon ]
Melissa Sharp, Head Coach Melissa Sharp, Head Coach

[ Coming Soon ]

Resilience. is a blog on all things resilient and stoic. Stay tuned & stay strong.

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